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The Road to Peace – Timor Leste 1974-1999.

Part of CAVR’s mandate was to seek the truth regarding human rights violations in Timor Leste within the context of the political conflicts between 25 April 1974 and 25 October 1999. As part of this process, CAVR interviewed and recorded the testimonies of more than 8000 people about theis experiences during that time. This film presents the testimony of some of those people, and with their words recounts the story of Timor Leste’s “Road to Peace”.

A Journey to Healing: CAVR’s work with victims

Timor-Leste’s truth commission, known as the CAVR, was established in 2002. It had a mandate to seek the truth about violations committed on both sides of the conflict between 1974-1999, facilitate reconciliation and assist victims. CAVR took statements, conducted research, organized public hearings, facilitated community reconciliation, while supporting victims to deal with their trauma and needs. In 2005, CAVR completed its final report. This film depicts the work of the CAVR, from truth-seeking, community reconciliation and victim support.

Long Journey Home – the stolen children of Timor-Leste

Timor-Leste’s CAVR estimates that some 4000 children were taken from their families and sent to Indonesia during the occupation. The transfer of children was a practice sanctioned by the military and civilian authorities. Many of these separated children are now adults, living in Indonesia, with a vague memory of being East Timorese. In 2013, AJAR  facilitated a visit of four lost children. The issue of the stolen children provides an opportunity to highlight “unfinished business” between Indonesia and Timor-Leste. This photo story depicts a young girl’s search for her mother, from whom she was separated in 1999 as an infant. She sings a song describing her longing.

CAVR Exhibition (Tetun)

The CAVR exhibition is a museum covering the events of 1975-1999 in Timor-Leste. It is based on information in the Chega report that was produced by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (CAVR). It is a place where Timorese can go to learn about the past, and to remember those lost in the struggle for independence.

Feto iha Otel Flamboyan (Women at the Flamboyan Hotel)

When Indonesia occupied East Timor from 1975 to 1999, many East Timorese women experienced violence. The Commission for Reception, Truth and Reconciliation (CAVR) reported more than 800 cases of violence against women occurred during the occupation. Maria de Fatima was detained and tortured by Indonesian soldiers in Flamboyan Hotel from 1978. This film tells her story for survival and truth. For English or Indonesian sub-titles, adjust the setting.